If there are more than four people waiting for the taxi, please be sure to inform the guard in advance that you need to send a second taxi to avoid affecting your ride rights.
The 14th week (12/08~12/14) general traffic vehicle changes on Friday. Passengers at Jianguo and Jieren campuses on Friday, please confirm the relevant information and the pickup location.
Some general transportation buses have too few passengers and will be operated by taxis in the eighth week. The boarding location is next to the security room of the campus. Please take the correct boarding location.
Please note that the school follows the county government’s notice of class suspension. When work and classes are suspended, transportation vehicles will stop running.
The general transportation schedule will be updated after reviewing weekly ridership records. Please check the website every Monday morning for updated information.
Please refer to the transportation bus section below for driving times.。
慈濟大學公車交通網/Tzu Chi University Bus Route Map.
Waiting place



***************************通 識 交 通 車****************************
************General Course TransportationVehicle*************
The number of shuttle Bus will be adjusted according to the number of passengers.
The shuttle bus is used for general education. When there is no class, the shuttle bus stops.
**Information provided by the General Studies Center.
For pick-up locations, please refer to the boarding locations listed above.
2.Shuttle bus schedule for GE class will readjust after courses selection.If there is less than 5 peopletaking the bus regularly then that one will be cancelled.
Shuttle bus is available between Sep. 9 and Jan. 10, 2025.

*************校 車/ School Bus***************
.The school bus leaves on time and stops at several stops. Please wait early to avoid missing out.


The 21:40 school bus is operated by Dafeng Taxi. For the pick-up location, please refer to the school bus pick-up location.